Saturday, August 30, 2008

More Vacay Pix

Friday, August 29, 2008


The wutz spent the morning watching Dolphins dine. He calls them 'dawsons' rather than dolphins. He loves them. PopPop bought him a dolphin board book that he is now making me read every time I try to get him to go to sleep.

And he enjoyed feeding the Seagulls. The Seagulls didn't like him quite as much as he liked them, though.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tiny Toes

Monday, August 25, 2008


The wutz is having a blast on our first day of vacation! He enjoyed splashing in the pool and he loved 'jumping' in as well. But I think his favorite thing thus far is definitely the Big Water, which is what he calls the ocean. He really enjoyed the water and the sand.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hissy Fit!

The wutz did not not want to go to school today! He was fine the entire drive there, but as soon as I pulled into the parking lot of his school, he pitched a bloody fit. I reached back and unsnapped his carseat buckles and he proceeded in a daring attempt to rebuckle himself into the carseat.

I had to carry him, kicking and screaming, into the classroom. He held onto me for dear life as he sniffled and snuffled and demanded we go back to the car.

I have no idea what was up with him, but my only guess is that he wanted to go to Granny and PopPop's house, instead of school.

Next week begins our beach vacation, so we won't have to go through this again next week, but I wonder if it will be worse the following Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I've been waiting patiently. Okay, not really, but let's pretend that I have patience.

Anyways, tonight as I put the wutz to bed, I curled up next to him to 'sleep sleep' and we bumped noses as we do each night. Then I told him I loved him. After we snuggled a little more, I got him to say "I" "Love" "You" "Mommy" with my prompting. Then, a few moments later, without prompting, he said, "I love you, Mommy."

My heart melted into a puddle right then and there.

An eavesdropper would likely have not been able to make out what the wutz said, but I knew. My heart knew.

It was the best thing I think I've ever heard.

I love you, too, baby.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

So it begins...

The wutz has been in school for one week. Already we've ordered T-shirts with the school logo on them, purchased the various required supplies, and prepared for Sharing Day and upcoming picture day. And today we participated in his very first birthday party for a classmate. It seems like it has all happened so fast. I've been sucked down into that blackhole of responsible and semi-required parenting of a school aged child.

I have a couple of friends that have children that are the wutz's age. But we are always traveling in different directions and no effort for a playdate, or whatever it is called, is ever made.

However, today during the pool party, I met several new parents that seemed quite nice. I'm definitely no social butterfly but, naturally, talk of get-togethers and playdates were mentioned. I had to secretly wonder if any of it would actually pan out. Probably not.

It was nice to chat with the parents of kids in the wutz's class, though. I hope since they've seen we are normal parents, too, that they won't get extremely angry if my child continues to whack on their children's heads during playtime.

All in all, the pool party was great fun. The wutz is still unsure of water, but he loved the fountain play area. He kept insisting that I join in with him, though. So, I undoubtably looked like a drowned rat by the time the party was over. Oh well. It was fun!

Artwork the wutz did Thursday (8-14-08) at school:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

De Plane! De Plane!

The other day I came home to a plane crop dusting the field directly behind our house. The wutz was absolutely in awe of the entire process and insisted that we watch for far longer than I was comfortable. I am convinced both of us will die a horrible death from the pesticides we were likely bathed in while we observed this flying banana of a plane as it showered the cotton with chemicals.

The plane would fly directly toward our back window, then pull up at the very last minute. It was fascinating and frightening at the same time. Unfortunately, I missed those shots, but here are a few pictures I took while standing on our back porch. (Please ignore the corner shot of the hideous shelter that DH erected to house his International Scout, that he's yet to paint!)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School!

Today was the wutz's first day of school! It was a challenge getting him up early and getting him fed. He hates eating breakfast first thing in the morning, so I had to shovel the oatmeal into his pie hole while he watched 64 Zoo Lane. Then we got him dressed, and as you can see, he was ready to go!

He was fussy on the way to school, but as soon as we pulled into the parking lot he was excited and ready to go see the babies I'd promised would be there! (He calls all children babies right now.) He marched right into the early drop-off classroom and pushed past me. He did a large circle to survey the room, then he held his hands out, palms up and tilted his head and asked, "Babies?" I promised him that they would all be arriving soon, and that placated him enough. He squatted down and began playing with the toys and I was instantly forgotten. He didn't even notice when I left.

I left work early to pick him up. When I arrived he was sitting quietly against the wall waiting in the pickup line. I was so proud of my big boy! Until the teacher told me that they'd had a little issue with him hitting and grabbing. My son, the two year old juvenile delinquent, apparently did not want to share. This resulted in him hitting and grabbing whatever it was he wanted. Why am I not surprised??? I told the teacher that he is a very physical child and we'd been dealing with it using Time-Outs at home. She told me that was what they did as well until he calmed down. She assured me he would learn to adjust and share. I certainly hope so. I'd hate for him to be expelled at two years old!

Unfortunately, he really has not had any children to play with or learn from, so this is all new to him. I know it will take time for him to figure it out, but I pray it doesn't take too much time. My heart can't take it.

All in all, I think he had a good first day. Let's just hope the little juvie can keep his hands to himself from now on!

The wutz's bookbag:

In his bookbag were a few things he did today:

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pool Pix