Is your child cheeky, mouthy, or just never shuts up? Then you've come to the right place. Let me show you the modification that we've created to stifle that endless chatter:

Does your child write on your walls? Hit his or her sibling? Throw toys while in the throes of a terrible twos temper tantrum?
The very same verbal modification tools have been adapted for these problems as well! Yes, that's right! You can now have the ability not only to shush your mouthy child, you can also gently, but effectively, restrain your hellion so he or she cannot beat your last nerve to death!

Just look how happy he is!

These mild, gentle parenting tools can be yours for 4 monthly installments of $9.99. And if you act in the next twenty minutes, we'll send you a second set of The Baby Binder, just like the first. For FREE! YES! That's two Baby Binders for the price of one.
Call or email NOW!
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